Make My Heart Melt!


Women (and men)… are complicated. Yes, I’ll admit it. We are never straight forward, we like to play mental mind games with our significant other and we always assume he/she should have known what we wanted the most — especially on Valentine’s Day. My advice, never show up empty handed. It will show that you either forgot it’s one day of the year to express your love (and have everyone be jealous of how perfect you are together!) or you were too busy to take 5 minutes out of your day to think of him/her.

You can’t go wrong with flowers, a teddy, and some chocolate!

Source: Become Tips

Want to tug on some heart strings? Write a handwritten love letter expressing your love. In the digital age with texts, emails, and instant communication via BBM, iChat, Skype and so forth, it’s hard to sit down for a good 10-20 minutes with pen and paper and just write… need inspiration? Listen to some music that will express how you feel and write down some lyrics. Don’t have the greatest penmenship? Type the letter up in a Word Doc and use a scripted font. (At least sign the bottom of the letter!)

Source: Pinoy Technologies

For the fashion forward lady in your life, a pair of Louboutin’s will have all the ladies talking. Make sure you get a gift receipt… just in case the shoe size is wrong.

Loubi Love!

Lock up your love and throw away the key! Perfect gift for that special someone! (Tiffany & Co.’s Locks).

Source: Tiffany & Co.

Love padlocks have been around for quite some time and couples who are in the city of love & lights (Paris, France) place a padlock with their names written on it and afix it to a fence on the Paris bridges. As urban myth states, if the relationship doesn’t last, you must return to the bridge and remove the padlock.

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