That is thy question.
Here’s a little history lesson for you: the Bridal Gift Registry was established in 1924 by Marshall Fields department store to prevent wedding guests from giving the same gifts (who really needs two toasters??). And thus, department stores followed in their footsteps (e.g. Sears, The Bay, Crate & Barrel, Macy’s, Homesense … and so on). Target was the first to introduce having an Online Registry – thank you Internet!

Even if you’re not the type of person who is expecting gifts or want gifts, it’s part of the celebrations and your guests want to contribute to your special day. Register for what you need … and a little bit of what you want. Couples have registered their honeymoons, a downpayment for their house, fine china, bedding and so forth. It allows your guests to have an idea of what to give you (the couple). Guests can choose to give you something not on your registry – or give you nothing. Your guests are not obligated to give you a gift. You can have a small registry or a large registry. Have several registries at different stores at different price ranges to accomodate your guests’ budget.
Don’t forget your THANK YOU CARDS!
***NOTE: DO NOT include a registry card in your invitations! That’s tacky and tasteless. It’s improper etiquette. The only proper way to inform guests is by word-of-mouth from your bridal party or parents.